
A board game Dominoes 2 in 1, made by a Greek company.


He combined the Gods and Heroes of Greek Mythology. For two to four players!


Domi [doh-mee] – DOMI is the Greek word for the internal structure, which connects the separate similar or dissimilar elements of a set or system, the construction.


Can you identify the Ancient Greek Gods and Heroes that need to be placed next to their like character in order to continue the structure of the game?

However, you should be careful!

If the matching character is not on the cards in your hand, you must stop until you draw a matching card!

Try to be the first to place the most matching card and prevent your opponents from placing their cards in the structure before you,

so you can become the Greek legend you always dreamed of becoming!

The ‘MODEL Game’ is a fun number recognition and matching game for children and adults.

The 28 durable cards have vibrant colors and minimalist design of seven (7) of the most important Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece,

that make playing with friends and family even more interesting.

Children are asked to identify the gods and heroes and then place a domino card,

which has the same character as the one at the end of the cards already inserted.

The colours in the background of each character can be useful for younger children, who are helped by identifying these colours.

On the back of the cards are the traditional dots – grades (0-6), for children who are just starting to learn numbers.

Very easy to set up, very easy to play!

Designed by Ioannis Ergeletzis

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    A board game Dominoes 2 in 1, made by a Greek company.


    He combined the Gods and Heroes of Greek Mythology. For two to four players!


    Domi [doh-mee] – DOMI is the Greek word for the internal structure, which connects the separate similar or dissimilar elements of a set or system, the construction.


    Can you identify the Ancient Greek Gods and Heroes that need to be placed next to their like character in order to continue the structure of the game?

    However, you should be careful!

    If the matching character is not on the cards in your hand, you must stop until you draw a matching card!

    Try to be the first to place the most matching card and prevent your opponents from placing their cards in the structure before you,

    so you can become the Greek legend you always dreamed of becoming!

    The ‘MODEL Game’ is a fun number recognition and matching game for children and adults.

    The 28 durable cards have vibrant colors and minimalist design of seven (7) of the most important Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece,

    that make playing with friends and family even more interesting.

    Children are asked to identify the gods and heroes and then place a domino card,

    which has the same character as the one at the end of the cards already inserted.

    The colours in the background of each character can be useful for younger children, who are helped by identifying these colours.

    On the back of the cards are the traditional dots – grades (0-6), for children who are just starting to learn numbers.

    Very easy to set up, very easy to play!

    Designed by Ioannis Ergeletzis